Friday, June 15, 2007

Last Day of Junior Year

Friday June 15th, 2007

A day that I have been waiting for since probably mid October when school stops being easy and starts getting hard.

Some how I manged to survive this crazy, ever so crazy year.

Overall this year has really had it's ups in down.
Overall though, I think this school year has in grades wise been my best, but school as a whole with teachers and such, not actually top notch.

Three of my seven teachers left.

The first one left because she was offered another job that was a lot better for her, plus she was tired of teaching. A very respectable reason. She had been teaching for 20 years and she was one of my favorite teachers. She was my broadcast journalism teacher. Her warm and friendly ways seemed to make everyone love her and be happy. She was so into letting ourselves express ourselves in any way we wanted. She supported us no matter what happend in our crazy class. She was by far, one of the best teachers I had this year.

One left for two weeks to become a ninja. Yeah he's pretty sweeeeet.

The other left because she was pregnant.

As for my other teachers, some made me really think for myself and I learned so much from them. Other teachers didn't chanllege me nearly enough and believed that repition of the same thing was good for us. Yeah, what a joke. One of my teachers always had witty things to say, even though the subject was harder than hard, they still always made me smile.

I think I learned the most from my english teacher. He always gave us intense questions and really made me want to say what I felt about things. Our class always got into political discussions and arguments. I was one of the only loud mouth liberals and the rest of my class were either hardcore conservatives or moderates. As in, they would always argue me. I LOVED IT. No joke. I loved hearing their ideas and opinons and learning about the ways they live their lives. Its extremely intresting.

This year in NFTY, my true friends and true home, it was quite the year. Here are some little rap ups of each event.

Gesher Kallah-It was the first event that we really shared with PAR. I LOVED it because I had just gotten back from Kutz and some of my closet friends are in PAR. I thought the event as a whole was fantastic. Songleading was so much fun and it was so great to utilize the leadership skills and teaching of kutz in my first ever event songleader. So fantastic.

LTI-By far, the greatest LTI I have ever been to. I loved the new layout, the new programming, everything. From 6 hour plenaries, to fun campfires. As songleader wise, it went horribly, but you learn from your mistakes. Project mayhem was siiiick. I blow the Shofar Naked, by far, an unforgetable moment for us all in NFTY-MAR. SOOOO amazing.

Fall Kallah-I have a new love for central VA. It was extremely beautiful in every way shape and form. I stayed with some of the nicest people. In their nice country home. The old couple was sooo nice. Songleading was fantastic. The chapel was beautiful for services and the acoustics were lovely. It was the first time I got to songlead with Adam, and it was awesome. The programs were so much fun too. I felt like it got a lot of people loving NFTY-MAR. The co-chairs were fantastic.

Winter Kallah-AAAAAAAmazing. As always. Perfect programming. Holly really showed us what she was capable of. The Our Space program changed people for good, especially me. The discussions and such, so powerful. The board really showed how they can work together to be this great group of leaders. The PVP program was outstanding as it always is. Although the sleep was lacking it was still fantastic. Plus having one of your best friends there was nice too. I had such a good time bonding with new people too. It was amazing.

CONVENTION 2007-the greatest five days OF MY LIFE. I'm not even kidding. Having all my jewish friends from all over all in one place at one time, the greatest time ever. Sure I didn't sleep at all or what so ever, it still was fantastic. The songleading, the concerts, the programs, the services, AH so incredible. The overwhelming feeling of seeing everyone I love and truely care about all at once. Soooooo amazing. :]

TheVent-It was my offical four year with NFTY-MAR. Thevent itself, was pretty fun. I mean I got sick in the middle of it so it wasnt as good as it could of been, But I had fun being Pac-Man and doing all of the color wars. I love the West Side. Amanda did a fabulous job. The west really represented and I felt like we came together as a sub-region. :]

Spring Kallah-Well...this event was alright. Elections were long and hectic. Spring circle was awesome. I loved how I got tons of children. It really made me smile. I loved how much stuff I got passed down to me. Songleading was just made me realize how much I'm going to miss seniors so much. Thats where some of my best friends are. In the same sense some will be moving closer to me. :]

I got into EIE. That will be this year..but I count as next year...