Wednesday, January 31, 2007


You think I've gone mad? Nah.

All those crazy things they say you can do to raise your SAT scores, well my parents were like oooo CD's! Music! that brilliant. Rachel always remember music since it is her if we sneak in big vocab words she will get 200 more points! Yes!

And this is why right now in my iTunes there are the Rock The SATs CDs. Spitball in your eye? haha this cd is greattttt im dancing while trying this! :)

I kinda love it. Its odd.

I hate grades. I hate the idea of grades. I had the idea of standardized learning. The no Child Left Behind act. Its all stupid. And worthless to my education. You should not be graded. Or handed out grades. You should be graded on the base of how well you understand and learn the stuff you need. Not on whether you can do well on some silly exam. Do something with that maybe i donno something good and creative.

But who I am kidding? I'm living in a dream world...aka Kutz.