Saturday, October 07, 2006

Living In Society

Don't you wish you could take that once place that you love and stay there forever hiding yourself from true society and real people everyday?

High school. The so called "best" four years of your life.
What a joke. Its more like worse for me, but I also hear college is the best four years. So I'll wait.

I'm a junior now. An upperclassmen. So what? My year is so much harder. Wrong. All those AP's or IB's your taking right? Yeah maybe in my next life! Hah! What about the colleges looking at you? Colleges are colleges, I'm not trying to go to Harvard Yale or NYU thank you. Goucher and GMU are looking pretty great right now thanks.

Everyday I feel like I'm fighting battles. Mostly with other students not so much teacher. Sorry if I'm not at school because I feel thats the main way of being social. I have friends thank you very much who are more real than your burnt hair from you over priced flattening irons. Fake. Its whats high school is all about. No one is ever brave enough to say it because they care about what people will think of them. But thats what I want to do. Tell them all, how fake they truely are. I want people to get mad at me because they are offended. Why? Because those are probably the most fake of them all.

Freshmen. I was once one too. We all have been freshmen. We should call them fakemen. But heres the thing. I give them slack. Why? Becuase I was a fake freshman. And not everyone has a place where they can go and show all their emotions, look within theirselfs and find themselves. TGFKutz. No TGIF there. just a TGFK. :)

Sometimes I want to change my school and the people in it. But it wouldn't be any cake walk trying to change 1,795 teenagers. Where being cool is what your friends think of you.

Freshmen year fitting is trying to hang with the older kids. All of your morals go to waste. Some start to party, others just give more head. Freshmen year you try to dress like everyone else because you don't want to stick out. You want to look good so maybe someone of the oppisite sex will look at you for a second, forget your name, get you to give them a sexual thing and won't reconize you on monday because they were drunk and forgot. Lots of freshmen fall into that trap. Oy.

Sophomore year. Parties, parties, parties. You drink. Why? You think your cool. You smoke and try some drugs. Why? Oh hey your cool now! Join the clique of all the kids that are going to die sooner because of their stupid mistakes! All your friends don't like you really. You may think so but when you say oh i dont want to drink your SCREWED there buddy. Yeah have fun with that. Your true friends were the ones in middle school you left to go give men head, and other sexual favors, went to get drunk with, and left to be cool. What is cool? Not something I care about, obivously.

Its like my father always says. The Geeks are always on top. They don't make bad descions because they are smart. They go to good schools, get good grades, and live sucessful happy lives. But what if your not a geek and don't party?

That's me. A no hope case right? Hah, your so wrong.

N-F-T-Y. Four words. That mean more to me than the problem Ax+Bx=C. I hate geometry. (PS) Its true, gonna live and die N-F-T-Y.

And now the four letters that complete me K-U-T-Z. So beautiful.

I rant. I love. I hate. I dedicate. I live. I like. I disco.

This is my life. I love it. I just wish others could understand why I live.

Because one day I'm gonna meet a teenager just like me, and I'll tell her its going to be all okay.