Saturday, September 23, 2006

L'Shana Tovah!

To all the Jews (probably only people who read this) L'Shana Tovah!

High holiday services at Rodef Shalom, well let's just say, sometimes not my cup of tea.
I know every temple works differently, but its like everytime I walk into a service I know all I except is our amazing cantors showing off their voices, not letting anyone else sing. Now your thinking, damn thats harsh, but let me explain myself.

I love my cantors. Don't get me wrong on that. They are amazing people. They have even more amazing voices. But personally I'd like to sing along and connect to a service instead of hearing how high they can sing. I mean, sure every once in a while I get that, but its sure not often enough for me. But yet, I go almost every Friday possible. Why? may ask. Because of the communitas. (community) its the kehilah kidosha. Its a beautiful thing. I feel so warm and happy everytime I enter the temple. Its the people around me who make me feel amazing. Sure, I may not always connect to the service, but at least it puts a smile on my face.

I know personally I'm going to lead services differently when I'm a cantor with whoever my rabbi is. (probably a best friend from Kutz!) I love being a jew, especially in this reform movement.

Which reminds me of an arguement that I had with one of my good friends. About how I'm too "jewish" for the reform movement. How I'm more of a "Jew" then any other reform Jew. Because I wear tzit tzit, have a passion for learning, want to be a cantor, and so much more. This upsets me. I try so hard to explain to her how being a reform Jew you have so much CTK (Choice Through Knowlage) type things. She just won't get it. I'm sure she will one day. I mean, its great. I actually am in love with it.

As for me, my Judiasm is not doing so well. I have't had a good connecting service in such a long time. Because if I was to keep standing during the V'havtah today and start to daven, people would stare me down and be like..what is she doing? There for I just be upset, sit down, and just chant like everyone else. As frustrating it is, thats one more service I got through, until one day I'll be a cantor, with my own temple, of our own customs. My father keeps telling me how I won't be like that, and everytime my mother yells at him because she knows how my temple will be. And my father dreams that i will have a temple of the one i want. Ohh how I love my family.

Even though all the hard times. Maybe in a week it won't be so bad. At least thats when the shadow moves out of our house. ...hmp.

L'Shana Tovah, and Lilah Tov!