I'm so bad at these games.
Boys. Men. Males. Anything but a woman.Why can't I jump and shout I LOVE YOU, you mean everything to me.
Because then you would run away and regret everything?
Because you would get scared and wonder why did you get into it?
Because you are scared that you feel the same way and don't want to admit it?
It was so beautiful yesterday. We we have. It was so amazing. I haven't felt that way in such a long time. And it happend. It was so perfect. It felt so right. Why can't I tell you that? Why do I always have to say goodbye?
I know we will see eachother soon. I just don't know if I can wait that long. The funny thing is though, I'm the one who should be able to wait.
I want to call you. I want to hear your voice. But if I do, I know it's too soon. I know I'll come off too strong. My nerves will get the best of me. My giddyness will show. Sometimes I can't hide it sometimes I want to just let it all out and shout...i love you
Ohhh boys. What they can truely do to a woman. Or a girl. Or a female.
I wonder what he thinks...I wonder how he feels. I know I'm gonna be wondering for a while.
At least in 66 days I won't have to wonder and wait no more.
Until then...it's gonna be one long long wait. Long wait.
you know who, i love you.